12 Metal Songs That Sound Like You Need to Call a Plumber

Goregrind is a very particular subsect of metal and represents a litany of extremes. For reasons unexplained, the subgenre is as renowned for pinging blast beats and pitchshifted gurgling as it is for hilarious absurdities and overt toilet humor. We’ll even argue that a lot of it sounds like you need to call a plumber.

12 Metal Songs That Sound Like You Need to Call a Plumber

Regarding the bands you’re about to hear, just about all of their songs sound like genuine bowel-busters, so if any of them dealt in scatalogical subject matter, they were deemed preferential in order to best serve you, our dear readers.

Bust out the Yellow Pages (or just Google “plumber near me”) and reach for that phone — here’s 10 Metal Songs That Sound Like You Need to Call a Plumber.

11 Metal Musicians Who Killed It In Other Genres