32 Of The Absolute Dumbest Things People Really Said So Far In 2022

Yes, these people exist.

by Dave Stopera

BuzzFeed Staff

1.On the world's best smell:

2.On the letter T:

3.On illnesses:

4.On the country of Georgia:

5.On aunts:

6.On gas:

7.On laundry sales:

8.On Aaron:

9.On traps:

10.On traveling:

11.On water supply:

12.On the 1920s:

13.On goals:

14.On blood:

15.On ailments:

16.On manipulation:

17.On toilet flora:

18.On the country of Georgia, again:

19.On the need for speed:

20.On the deal of a lifetime:

21.On diets:

22.On defense:

23.On temp:

24.On engines:

25.On Facebook's new name:

26.On dinner:

27.On proxies:

28.On comfortable seating:

29.On women:

30.On frights:

31.On friends and enemies:

32.And on partners:

32 Of The Absolute Dumbest Things People Really Said So Far In 2022