37 Parenting Products That’ll Make You Think, “Why Don’t I Own That Already”

It goes without saying that these stickers aren't a replacement for a thermometer. But, if your kid has a temp, these will help you keep track of whether their fever is spiking or going down.

37 Parenting Products That’ll Make You Think, “Why Don’t I Own That Already”

Promising review: "We had a stressful day of trying to keep our 3-year-old's fever down and he was exhausted. I had these in the cabinet and stuck one on at bedtime. It immediately lit up N, which matched the thermometer. While putting him to bed I saw it go to 99 so when I checked on him in 30 min I brought the thermometer '99.3.'We used it throughout the night to monitor whether or not we should wake him for more medicine. I think of it as a peace of mind sticker. He loves stickers and got a big kick out of it. He’s had it on about 13 hours now with no complaints. There’s a shiny N there now, and this paranoid mama still checks with a thermometer occasionally to make sure it’s accurate." —Nateric

Get eight stickers from Amazon for $6.50.