How to choose the best robot vacuum for your home

When it comes to ranking the most arduous of household chores, there's no argument that vacuuming is usually right up there. It's loud, it's a strain on the back, weaving in and around furniture is tedious, and don't even get us started on the abyss that is under the couch...

Luckily, thanks to the boom in robot vacuums on the market that do all the work for you, gone are the days of laborious vacuuming sessions.

How to choose the best robot vacuum for your home

“Robotic vacuums are a great way to clean your house and an ideal solution for busy households," says category expert Colin Jones from Appliances Online, "there is no need to plug in your vacuum and walk around your house, these units can be simply let to clean - by the push of a button."

So, to help you keep your place spick and span without having to lift a finger, we've done the research and have rounded up some of the most efficient, affordable and reliable robot vacuums currently available.